Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My little fire maiden

Who is this girl and what did she do with my sweet little baby...maybe she ate her???

Bri has been asking to get her hair relaxed for months and months now. I finally took her for a couple of "consultations" only to find that relaxing curly hair in this day and age is worth as much as putting her through a four year private college. Maybe that's a slight exaggeration. I repeat, SLIGHT. Anywho, the hairpimp told me she could cut the cost in half if my daughter wanted to model in a hair show this last Sunday.

The show was a benefit to raise money for a local family who lost their father/husband in the recent metrolink train tragedy that killed 25 people and injured over a hundred. My inlaws, husband and I bought tickets for the big night. The turnout seemed promising and the entertainment was a hoot. There was a delicious dinner followed by a fun African drumming and dance performance, the "hair show" and some comedian performances. The hair show portion had each of the models dressed to represent elements, i.e. earth, fire, water, etc. The models were mostly women with a handful of men strutting their stuff on stage. It was definitely comical and we all had a good roll on the floor.

Bri had a good time and we were all happy to participate in such a worthwhile cause. I thought for sure she would get up there and be nervous, but I have to give it to her.....she walked that catwalk with confidence and style! I was impressed.
Maybe we'll look into some more modeling opportunities to build her portfolio.....NOT. This little taste of the fashion/hair world was proof enough that I am totally content without all the glitz and glamour in our lives. Now Bri on the other hand?
She'll be getting her new doo this weekend. I'm just hoping for simple and keeping my fingers crossed.


Jenn Kirk said...

Oooh, can't wait to see the new Bri!!

And probably not what you want to hear, but that girl can most definitely be a model. She is beautiful. And has her head on straight, to boot. Takes after mom, of course!!

Starr Shine said...

once she goes straight, she'll never go back. LOL!! just make sure they give her a gentle relaxer, you dont want her scalp to burn or her hair to become super weak or even worse fall out.

love you all.

~j~ said...

deep breath...ooh myyyy goooodnessss.
you know what i mean :}