We're leaving for a little adventure for the next couple of weeks, so won't be posting at all...but I promise to get some great pics for my next blog story. Meanwhile, hope you all are having a fun and exciting summer as well.
One week ago today my beautiful Bri graduated 8th grade with a huge smile and the excitement of knowing some of her closest friends will be going to high school with her. She is such an amazing spirit who spreads pure joy & laughter to everyone who knows her. We are so very proud of who she is and where she is headed.
Her day started with a half day of school and yearbook signing, followed by lunch with friends, a makeover at the MAC counter and a new doo. Following graduation was a big party for the whole class with a DJ, dinner, games, slideshow and prizes to boot. They had a blast.
Congratulations Bri on your many accomplishments and for being the shining light that you are. I am so very blessed to call you my own and to accompany you through life's joy, sadness, love and wonder. I know you are going to love your high school adventures.