Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I present to you...

the shortest vacation in family history

This is the view driving up to June Lake around 1pm December 27

The beautiful sight from our room overlooking the lake the morning of Dec 28 after a full night of sleep deprivation due to the sudden onset of fever, coughing and discomfort by our four year old.

A look at Mr. Handsome starting the descent from our 14 hour stay in the glimmering white mountains. After a brutal night of helping to nurse our youngest and the decision that we needed to say goodbye to our snowy dreams he repacked the car and we headed for home.

A glimpse of the snow we longed to play in.
We'll be back.
And next time, we may need to leave the kids at home.

1 comment:

~j~ said...

such good parents... it is still a good memory even it it was a short one! Here's to making more of those adventures whether brief or lengthy in the New Year!
love j