In February we joined the Merricks along
with thousands of others to remember
their precious Daisy Love.
The stage was covered with thousands of daisies
spilling out of every corner with their bright
and cheery faces ~ reminding us of the
overwhelming beauty of this dear life.

The bathroom mirror reads:
"Do not fear,
for I am with you,
I have called you by name;
you are mine."
Isaiah 43:1
Daisies everywhere!
The memorial for Daisy Love Merrick was like nothing
I have ever witnessed before.
It was joyful.
It was painful.
It was hopeful.
It was life changing.
If you have an opportunity to share in the
memory and celebration of Daisy's life and story
you can see for yourself the impact one little life
can make when our trust is given to God:
Please continue to pray for Daisy's parents as
they make the transition into a family of three.